Breeder/Owners: Mary Thompson & Joy Van Wie
Look for Promise to make her debut January 30, 2011 at the Orange Empire Kennel Club
Let the show career begin!
Jan. 30, 2011 Judge: Judy Webb Awards "Promise" 1st place in the 6-9 puppy class @ the Orange Empire KC
Mar. 13, 2011 Judge: Debbie Campbell Awards "Promise" 1st place in the 6-9 puppy class @ the Apple Valley KC
March 27, 2011 GRCGLA puppy match Judge: Ginger Garret awards "Promise" BEST IN MATCH/BEST PUPPY

April 29, 2011 GRCGLA SPECIALTY SHOW Sweepstakes Judge: Eileen Oshiro awards "Promise" BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX from 9-12 puppy bitches
April 29, 2011 GRCGLA SPECIALTY SHOW Judge: Michele Stansbury awards "Promise" 3rd place in 9-12 puppy bitches
April 30, 2011 GRCGLA SPECIALTY SHOW Sweepstakes Judge: Elizabeth Smith awards "Promise" 3rd place in 9-12 puppy bitches
April 30, 2011 GRCGLA SPECIALTY SHOW Judge: Col. Jonathan Chase awards "Promise" 2nd in 9-12 puppy bitches.
May 20, 2011 GRCSD SPECIALTY SHOW Sweepstakes Judge: Kim Griffith awards "Promise" BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES from 9-12 puppy bitches
Promise is taking the summer off to play in the pool, she says it is to hot and will return to the ring in the fall of 2011 ready to roll!
Promise relaxing with Abby
Back in the ring we go!
October 29, 2011 Kennel Club Of Riverside Show Judge: Bud DiDonato awards "Promise" WB/BOS for a 3 pt major from the bred by exhibitor class and goes on to win Best Bred By Sporting Group 1
August 18, 2012 Reno kennel Club Judge: Kitty Stidel awards "Promise" WB for 1 point from open with handler Robert Scott
August 19, 2012 Reno Kennel Club Judge: Nancy Liebes awards "Promise" WB for 1 point from open with handler Robert Scott
Sept. 23, 2012 Santa Ana Valley KC Judge: Anne Bolus awards "Promise" WB/BOW/BOB for 2 points from open with Me on the end of the lead. :)
Oct. 12, 2012 Black Mountain KC Breeders Showcase judge awards "Promise" Best of Breed Adult
Oct. 13, 2012 Black Mountain KC Judge: Michael Faulkner awards "Promise" RWB
Oct. 28, 2012 Kennel Club Of Riverside Judge: Ms. Teddy McDowell awards "Promise" WB/BOW for 2 points with handler Robert Scott
June 28, 2013 Promise flew with Joy to CO. to handler Clint Livingston. Promise will be going to the TX and LA show circuts with Clint.
July 5, 2013 Greater Collin KC Judge: Jon Cole awards "Promise" WB for 2 points first time in the ring with her new handler Clint Livingston
July 7, 2013 Trinity Valley KC Judge: Debbie Campell-Freeman awards "Promise" WB for 2 points Promise is now single pointed out, needs a major to finish
The next 6 shows Promise was entered in were not majors so she was side lined until major shows.
Aug. 2, 2013 Louisiana KC Judge: Michael Dachel awards "Promise" a major RWB
Aug. 3, 2013 Metairie KC Judge: David Kittredge awards "Promise" a major RWB

July 3, 11 1/2 months old
May 18, 2012 just waiting her turn to shine in the ring
Sept 23, 2012 Oh what a GReat day this was!
BEST OF BREED over specials from the open class
Oct. 28, 2012 Robert & Promise WB/BOW
Jan. 6, 2015 Promise delivers a beautiful baby boy!
4/24, 2015 Promise returns to the ring at the GRCGLA Specialty but this time in obedience earning her first leg for her BN under judge Susan Bluford placing 3rd
4/25, 2015 Promise earns her 2nd leg at Lake Mathews KC under judge Nancy Grimm and placing 2nd, in the cold windy rain!
4/26, 2015 Promise completes her BN title with her 3rd leg at Lake Mathews KC under judge Carol Riback and again placing 2nd

Promise is now: Calico's Promising Joy CGC BN